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Macos icon theme, compiz, virtual windows, all windows programs and all video cards, printers and wireless drivers are ready for this debian based distribution.

Robolinux is a new and successful distribution based on Debian wheezy.

The purpose of its founder, John Martinson, is to provide a secure Linux Operating System for personal computers or laptops that improves productivity.

Robolinux based wheezy like Pardus. After listening to hundreds of PC and laptop users on several continents, its founder John Martinson saw the common points each user wanted.

Computer users want to be protected from viruses and malware for free, they want to run all their windows programs on linux distribution, and they want to do more in less time.

The biggest problem that most people experience is that they cannot run windows programs in the distribution of linux, and John tries to eliminate this problem.

Robolinux runs many times faster than any Windows operating system.

It is not affected by viruses and malware specific to Windows users, increases the speed of your laptop and runs Windows programs flawlessly and naturally within the 3D desktop. With Playonlinux and virtualbox, there are no programs left to go back to windows. Being known you have to use internet explorer even causes you to open windows. Instead, you can now use a fast-opening virtual windowsu with robolinux.

In Robolinux, Virtualbox comes ready to use for virtual windows installation, so you won't have to search for closed drives like wireless and printers.

You can easily install additional drivers with a single click. You can watch the video below explaining this topic.
64 bit linux distributions google earth application may not work properly with robolinux easily installed and can work stable.

For those who want to get compiz installed in the system, the good news is that the compiz comes fully loaded and ready to use. Just by looking at the scarcity of distributions that use compizi stably, you can see how valuable it is. In this respect, I liked a lot of small customizations, both airy, flashy, and also find a distribution that will satisfy your needs for windows.

I'm sending you some of my own screenshots. Robolinux installation steps are available in the video and graphical link.http: //